I try to run the command date -s "Tue Feb 10 13:15:12 UTC 2015"
in code:
ShellStream..WriteLine("date –s \"" + date + "\""); // when date contain "Tue Feb 10 13:15:12 UTC 2015"
i keep getting date extra operand (original message):
date: extra operand `Tue Feb 10 14:21:01 UTC 2015'
should i need different escaping?
thank you
I try to run the command date -s "Tue Feb 10 13:15:12 UTC 2015"
in code:
ShellStream..WriteLine("date –s \"" + date + "\""); // when date contain "Tue Feb 10 13:15:12 UTC 2015"
i keep getting date extra operand (original message):
date: extra operand `Tue Feb 10 14:21:01 UTC 2015'
should i need different escaping?
thank you