I'm not sure if this is related.....
I'm using 2013.1.27 and i'm getting a file not found error. Source file exists and destination directory exists. It worked fine with sharpssh but i'm trying out this component and its not working.
I've tried:-
Dim f As New FileInfo(strTempFileName)
SCP1.Upload(f, "/etc/directory/")
also tried:-
Dim f As New FileInfo(strTempFileName)
SCP1.Upload(f, "/etc/directory/filename.txt")
Both gave the same error:-
"Renci.SshNet.Common.ScpException: scp: : No such file or directory
at Renci.SshNet.ScpClient.Upload(FileSystemInfo fileSystemInfo, String path)
at Kesher_VoIP_AMI_Client.clsAMIClient.ProcessorCode() in D:\HostingSpaces2\admin\keshercommunications.com\Services\Source Files\Kesher VoIP\Kesher VoIP AMI Client\clsAMIClient.vb:line 189"
Any ideas?