Hi all,
I have a problem with reading from the shellstream whenever I sent long-running commands
I need to search in zip-files. (first I unzip the file (unzip-command) to a specific directory, then I sent a search-command.)
These are time consuming commands, which do not always give an immediate result (find).
for some reason, I do not get the complete result back from the stream.
i.e. the unzip-command stops abruptly.
Then I tried with ReadLine and ReadToEnd
I'm using VS 2012 & .Net framework 4 with the 2013.1.27 version of the Renci.SshNet.
Whenever the commands take a long time, like in the examples above. It seems that something is going wrong.
Kind regards
I have a problem with reading from the shellstream whenever I sent long-running commands
I need to search in zip-files. (first I unzip the file (unzip-command) to a specific directory, then I sent a search-command.)
These are time consuming commands, which do not always give an immediate result (find).
for some reason, I do not get the complete result back from the stream.
i.e. the unzip-command stops abruptly.
inflating: /export/home/hydraadm/testjo/unzipped/HICM_CONV_3288-021-10v_20130112055047.20130112055141.txt
inflating: /export/home/hydraadm/testjo/unzipped/HICM_CONV_3288-021-13v_20130112055047.20130112055141.txt
inflating: /export/home/hydraadm/testjo/unzipped/HICM_CONV_2618-021-25v_2013
the last line should contain a normal filename.
i.e. the find-command has an unexpected beginning (sometimes even the end of the previous command) - or no input at all! 0112235408.txt
inflating: /export/home/hydraadm/testjo/unzipped/HICM_CONV_4761_20130112235006014.20130112235437.txt
inflating: /export/home/hydraadm/testjo/unzipped/HICM_CONV_4761_20130112235006014.20130112235437.txt
inflating: /export/home/hydraadm/testjo/unzipped/HICM_CONV_5531_20130112235006047.20130112235437.txt
inflating: /export/home/hydraadm/testjo/unzipped/HICM_CONV_5051_20130112235006034.20130112235437.txt
inflating: /export/home/hydraadm/testjo/unzipped/HICM_CONV_4688_20130112235005088.20130112235508.txt
uv137676@/export/home/hydraadm % uv137676@/export/home/hydraadm % find /export/home/hydraadm/testjo/unzipped -name \*CONV_\* -type f -exec grep -il "en01" {} \; -print | egrep -i "tien" | uniq
First I tried with Expect(_shellPrompt) & Expect(_shellPrompt, timeSpan) Then I tried with ReadLine and ReadToEnd
=> With these methods, a lot of errors occured
With Read (see code below) I was able to get good results (for short-running commands).I'm using VS 2012 & .Net framework 4 with the 2013.1.27 version of the Renci.SshNet.
Whenever the commands take a long time, like in the examples above. It seems that something is going wrong.
Is my code badly written? Does this cause my problem?
Or is there some issue in the ssh.net library?
Kind regards
string _shellPrompt = "uv137676";
const string TerminalName = "HydraGuiShellStream";
const uint Columns = 120;
const uint Rows = 60;
const uint Width = 800;
const uint Height = 600;
const int WaitMilliSeconds = 500;
const int ArrayBufferSize = 4096;
const int ShellStreamBufferSize = 33554432; //2^25 (~33MB)
private void Test()
ShellStream _shellStream = client.RenciSshClient.CreateShellStream(TerminalName, Columns, Rows, Width, Height, ShellStreamBufferSize);//ShellStreamBufferSize=33554432
StreamReader _reader = new StreamReader(_shellStream, Encoding.ASCII, true);
StreamWriter _writer = new StreamWriter(_shellStream, Encoding.ASCII) { AutoFlush = true };
Read(_reader);//get & discard login information
string unzipCommand = "unzip -o /pathToZipFile/UnitTest_Unzip_Find.zip -d /pathToZipFile/unzipped";
string findCommand = "find /pathToZipFile/unzipped -name \\*CONV_\\* -type f -exec grep -il \"en01\" {} \\; -print | egrep -i \"tien\" | uniq";
string returnValue;
returnValue = Read(_reader);//if shellprompt is read or waited long enough (i>=60); continue with find
returnValue = Read(_reader);
private string Read(StreamReader streamReader)
var buffer = new char[ArrayBufferSize];//4096-2048-1024
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
int i = 1;
streamReader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
AddBufferToString(stringBuilder, buffer);
while (!stringBuilder.ToString().Contains(_shellPrompt) && i < 60)
int charactersRead = streamReader.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
AddBufferToString(stringBuilder, buffer);
if (charactersRead == 0) //&& streamReader.EndOfStream
i = 0;
buffer = new char[ArrayBufferSize];
var returnValue = stringBuilder.ToString();
return returnValue;
private static void AddBufferToString(StringBuilder stringBuilder, IEnumerable<char> buffer)
var arr = buffer.Where(b => b != '\0').ToArray();