I'm getting SshAuthenticationException : User cannot be authenticated when trying to authenticate with username/password+private key(dsa, 2048bits w/o passphrase)
What am I doing wrong?
Latest version of ssh.net for .net 3.5 is used,
I'm getting SshAuthenticationException : User cannot be authenticated when trying to authenticate with username/password+private key(dsa, 2048bits w/o passphrase)
var connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(host, 22, username, new PasswordAuthenticationMethod(username, password),
new PrivateKeyAuthenticationMethod(username, new PrivateKeyFile(File.OpenRead(key_path))));
using (var sftp = new SftpClient(connectionInfo))
But with CoreFTP or WinSCP authentification works.What am I doing wrong?
Latest version of ssh.net for .net 3.5 is used,