first thanks for your great work, with this SSH library.
I need help with ForwardedPortLocal.
I do a comunication with some remote hardware with Modbus protocol and trought SSH tunnel.
When i open the SSH and portforwading, the first time run correctly. But if i try to read a second time, the socket open ok, but is like the portforwading was disappear.
I explain with the steps i do:
1 - I open conection with SSH server (is a freeSHH)
BUT...Now, if i try to readt from 1st equipment on FordwardedPortLocal, socket established is ok, but any data is received. Also, i debug and when i try to do a
I try to do
and more, but without succes.
Could anyone help me about the correct way to do this ??
best regards.
first thanks for your great work, with this SSH library.
I need help with ForwardedPortLocal.
I do a comunication with some remote hardware with Modbus protocol and trought SSH tunnel.
When i open the SSH and portforwading, the first time run correctly. But if i try to read a second time, the socket open ok, but is like the portforwading was disappear.
I explain with the steps i do:
1 - I open conection with SSH server (is a freeSHH)
dim SSHClient as SSHClient
SSHclient = New sshClient("", 555,"sshuser","sshpass")
2 - I do the 1st portforwading dim SSHport as ForwardedPortLocal
SSHport = New ForwardedPortLocal("", 14011, "", 14011)
3 - Connect a socket on this port and read from the hardware over this locationNetTalk1.TcpIpConnect("", 14011, NetTalk.TcpIpProtocolType.Tcp, 2000,500)
NetTalk1.ReadAnalog("XMODBUSB", 16, 1, "4", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", True)
4 - create new ForwadedPortLocaldim SSHport2 as ForwardedPortLocal
SSHport2 = New ForwardedPortLocal("", 14012, "", 14012)
5 - I Connect a socket on this port and read from the hardware over this locationNetTalk1.TcpIpConnect("", 14012, NetTalk.TcpIpProtocolType.Tcp, 2000,500)
NetTalk1.ReadAnalog("XMODBUSB", 16, 12, "4", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", True)
--> Up here, all well, socket established ok, and data from modbus is readed well and fast, .BUT...Now, if i try to readt from 1st equipment on FordwardedPortLocal, socket established is ok, but any data is received. Also, i debug and when i try to do a
Really, the SSHclient.Forwadedports count is always = 2.I try to do
and more, but without succes.
Could anyone help me about the correct way to do this ??
best regards.