When creating an object using Renci.SshNet.NetConfClient it appears that a the client "Hello" does not complete. I think it is related to a missing EOL (CRLF)
when I use a SSH client such as putty a hangs like this ocurs when the hello string is terminated with a ]]>]] and CRLF. Looking at the code I'm pretty sure the hello being sent (ClientCapabilities
[void][reflection.assembly]::LoadFrom( (Resolve-Path "$pwd\bin\Renci.SshNet.dll") )
$mynetconf = New-Object Renci.SshNet.NetConfClient("", "admin", "Password")
$mydata = $mynetconf.SendReceiveRpc($test1)
write-host $mydata.InnerText
applicationoperation-failederrorcurrent session has not received hello
I'm pretty sure the netconf client is sending the data.
below are are the contents of the server/client capabilities data.
PS C:\Scripts\bin> $mynetconf.ServerCapabilities.InnerText
PS C:\Scripts\bin> $mynetconf.ClientCapabilities
xml hello
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" hello
PS C:\Scripts\bin> $mynetconf.ClientCapabilities.InnerText
when I use a SSH client such as putty a hangs like this ocurs when the hello string is terminated with a ]]>]] and CRLF. Looking at the code I'm pretty sure the hello being sent (ClientCapabilities
]]>]] ) .
[void][reflection.assembly]::LoadFrom( (Resolve-Path "$pwd\bin\Renci.SshNet.dll") )
$mynetconf = New-Object Renci.SshNet.NetConfClient("", "admin", "Password")
$mydata = $mynetconf.SendReceiveRpc($test1)
write-host $mydata.InnerText
applicationoperation-failederrorcurrent session has not received hello
I'm pretty sure the netconf client is sending the data.
below are are the contents of the server/client capabilities data.
PS C:\Scripts\bin> $mynetconf.ServerCapabilities.InnerText
PS C:\Scripts\bin> $mynetconf.ClientCapabilities
xml hello
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" hello
PS C:\Scripts\bin> $mynetconf.ClientCapabilities.InnerText