New Post: Pageant integration?
Has anyone attempted to get integrated with the PuTTY Pageant tool for managing keys?
View ArticleNew Post: SCP : Missing files when using DirectoryUpload
Even for my case here, there is nothing special going on. However my directory structure is > 2 levels deep and has about 25MB of files that range from 100KB to 4MB.
View ArticleNew Post: Blob Support
Are there any plans to add support for wildcards/blobs in the uploading/downloading of files via this library? I've got some files that need to pulled on a daily basis, but some of them have random...
View ArticleNew Post: Connected to IPv6 rather than IPv4
I had a similar issue. Please add IPAddress to the method signature.
View ArticleNew Post: Dynamic PortForward Problem
Hi, I'm using sshnet-22965 to build dynamic portforward application. The application runs fine except when when i use it with browser, it thrown "An invalid IP address was specified" exception for...
View ArticleNew Post: will these scpclient settings help out with timeout issues on...
client.ConnectionInfo.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120); client.OperationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60); trying to make my program work reliably, so that, if it fails on the first connection...
View ArticleNew Post: Installation of SSH Net Library
Hey all.. I am completely new to this forum and the SSH.Net Library. So if my questions sound dumb, they are. I am trying to use the SSH.Net Library on a Windows machine but I did not see an installer....
View ArticleNew Post: Pageant integration?
Hi, I have somebody submitted it as a patch to be included in the library but unfortunately I could not include it since this solution is application specific. If you interested you can download this...
View ArticleNew Post: will these scpclient settings help out with timeout issues on...
Yes, Increasing this timeout should allow server more time to respond and for client to receive reply. Thanks, Oleg
View ArticleNew Post: Installation of SSH Net Library
Hi, Sorry I cant really help you with powershell. You might want to check this. Hope it will help. Thanks, Oleg
View ArticleNew Post: Connected to IPv6 rather than IPv4
Yes, I have it on my list but will take a little time since I dont have much free time recently and to change that I want to maintain backward compatibility with string address as well. I will try to...
View ArticleNew Post: Blob Support
Hi, Currently there is no plans to do that since this is something not defined by SFTP protocol and wildcards could be different and platform specific and implemented differently by clients. So I guess...
View ArticleNew Post: Failing to Authenticate on SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ
Hi, Sorry for late response. The reason SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ needs to be sent its because it detects that username password needs to be changed. I am no sure how and why FileZilla works,...
View ArticleNew Post: Multiple commands in sequence (C#)
teejmonster: I can verify this as well. I tested with a lot of different Cisco devices. All of the ones running Native IOS drop the connection after the first command. Only newer NX-OS and IOS-XE...
View ArticleNew Post: Bug in SftpClient dispose
Hi Oleg, I found a bug in how you are handling disposing of SftpClient (and possibly other clients). In short I use SftpClient in a using{} block, during Dispose it is possible that an Exception can...
View ArticleNew Post: su command
hi vaccaridaniele, why do you use this regular expressions? Look at my code at the end of this posting. It is just an adapted copy of yours. ;) But it runs endless the while loop. var connectionInfo =...
View ArticleNew Post: why there is nothing in your help documentation
why there is nothing in your help documentation
View ArticleNew Post: why there is nothing in your help documentation
Hi, What do you mean by nothing? Thanks, Oleg
View ArticleNew Post: why there is nothing in your help documentation
I downloaded your help document, only have catalogue, but no any content, it is empty.
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