New Post: Is is support private key in OpenSSH format?
Please advise because It don't work for this key format ---- BEGIN SSH2 ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY ---- Subject: ln81 Comment: "2048-bit rsa, ln81@moeuxap42, Wed Mar 27 2013 10:03:36"...
View ArticleNew Post: Is is support private key in OpenSSH format?
You are talking about two different things. Darkoperator seems to talk about keys generated by ssh-keygen in PEM format, which works great. wangsa is talking about the OpenSSH format, which seems to be...
View ArticleNew Post: Is is support private key in OpenSSH format?
Sorry for my wrong, Exactly, my key is SSH-2 private key. This library supports it?
View ArticleNew Post: Direct Connection instead of port forwarding
Hi gums, I didn't misunderstand. In my first post I merely asked if dynamic port forward would solve my problem. I now know that dynamic port forwarding is not what I want. Like I said in my last post,...
View ArticleNew Post: Port Forwarding problem
private SshClient SshC = new SshClient("Host", Port, "User", "Password"); private ForwardedPortLocal LPF1, LPF2, LPF3, RgF1, RqF1, RqF2, RqF3, MDB; SshC.Connect(); MDB = new...
View ArticleNew Post: Terminal Emulator
Hi, Does anybody knows about a good terminal emulator, which can be used with this lib? I've read about Granados...
View ArticleNew Post: Calling Dispose() on scpClient doesn't release the file handle
Hey folks, I need the ability to terminate an scp operation while it's in progress. After calling Disconnect() and Dispose() I still cannot delete the partially downloaded file since it says it's in...
View ArticleNew Post: sending commands to batch
I use renci.sshnet to run alot of commands on ubuntuo 8.4 and 12.04, and i have had some issues with the shell hanging. To get around this issue i have started echoing commands into batch. Here is a...
View ArticleNew Post: 3.5 Source Code for release 2013.1.8?
Hey everyone, I've been trying unsuccessfully to build the source for .NET 3.5. I see some files have 2 versions - .cs or .NET40.cs. I've changed the project to target .NET 3.5 but should I also be...
View ArticleNew Post: Using proxy
Hi Sebastian, Oleg, I see that you say that you had success with dynamic ports and I wondered if you could provide some more details as I am struggling with this. I have set up an SSH client with...
View ArticleNew Post: SCP copy to a specific folder
Hi olgkap. I tried many differnce OS that the Ubuntu, CentOS and openBSD. But i have received same error "scp no such a file or directory" I used the implement ver at 7.4.2013. please check below my...
View ArticleNew Post: Using proxy
I have been having the same problem after I updated to the latest build, last build I was using that worked was from late last year.
View ArticleNew Post: Using proxy
I'll try an older build. Which was the one that worked - 2012.12.21?
View ArticleNew Post: 3.5 Source Code for release 2013.1.8?
where is the separate project? I am also looking for it.
View ArticleNew Post: 3.5 Source Code for release 2013.1.8?
I figured this out. If you open the solution (Renci.SshNet.sln) you'll see a project named Renci.SshNet.NET35. Build that and it will produce a DLL (Renci.SshNet.NET35\bin\Debug\Renci.SshNet.dll) that...
View ArticleNew Post: cannot use the Renci.SshNet in a NetduinoPlusApplication
Hi guys! I am newbie using that framework, but my problem is the following one: I have created a NetduinoPlusApplication solution in VS 2010, and all my code is well compiled. The warnings and errors...
View ArticleNew Post: SSH.NET vs Tamir SharpSSH
Hello, I am looking for a halfway decent if strong SSH (and SCP, SFTP) client for .NET 4.0 concerns. I ran across at first, but it seems that this one...
View ArticleNew Post: SCP copy to a specific folder
Hi, i'm using 2013.1.27 and i try to copy a file from a windows to a linux machine. My copy command looks like:m_Scp.Upload(fi, sTargetDir + fi.Name); where sTargetDir is "update/". My copied file pops...
View ArticleNew Post: Sharing Download/Upload methods in BaseClient
actually i'm writing a clr for download and upload file through ms sql. Both scp and sftp support upload and download. It could be a good approach to write a virtual method for upload and download in...
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