New Post: Channel sessions not cleaning up (Avoiding Memory Leaks)
Hours of experimentation in attempting to get SshCommand and/or ChannelSessions to properly dispose have led me nowhere. I obviously don't understand the full extent of the SshNet design (How session...
View ArticleNew Post: Sequential commands while retaining previous environment
I do some pretty weird stuff through the SshCommand. It's tricky, but pretty much anything can be done:r=0; for R in $(dmidecode -t 17 | grep Size|grep MB|awk '{print $2}'); do r=$[ $r + $R ]; done;...
View ArticleNew Post: Launch distant bash script
function findcpu() { grep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo | uniq | awk -F':' '{ print $2}' ; }; function findkernelversion() { uname -mrs ;}; function totalmem() { grep -i 'memtotal' /proc/meminfo | awk...
View ArticleNew Post: Sequential commands while retaining previous environment
Thanks for the reply. However this won't help me because essentially I need to make multiple calls from the client side, and the environment needs to be retained from one to the next call. Using...
View ArticleNew Post: Sequential commands while retaining previous environment
ShellStream is the way to go if you want session persistence like you would see with an interactive ssh session (EX: putty). SshCommand acts more like plink. I haven't tried to use the ShellStream yet...
View ArticleNew Post: "bad packet length xxxxx" error when retrieving only some secure...
I get an error "bad packet length xxxxx" when retrieving some sFTP sub directory listings. My connection is successful. FileZilla ftp client (default settings) has exact same issue with same dir's, but...
View ArticleNew Post: SSH Server
Hi, Does your component offer the ability to function as an SSH Server? Thanks Dan
View ArticleNew Post: Error: "Failed to open local file", upon downloading file
Hi, I've created a basic SFTP client. I am successful in listing the directories and was also able to upload files to server. But, I am receiving the error "Failed to open local file", when I try to...
View ArticleNew Post: Code to download SFTP files.
Hello, I am new to to FTP concepts, my application is getting converted to SFTP. I wish update my existing Jelovic dll (FTP) with SSH.NET dll and need to write the code for the same. Could you kindly...
View ArticleNew Post: "bad packet length xxxxx" error when retrieving only some secure...
Update: If there are 250 files or less in a subdirectory then I can retrieve a directory listing using FileZilla. If there are 235 files or less in a subdirectory then I can retrieve a directory...
View ArticleNew Post: How to iterate through a directory listing by count, bytes, or a...
I am trying to see if there is a way to iterate through a secure FTP directory listing by count, bytes, or a filter or some other manner. I would like to only read the first 100 or so file names in a...
View ArticleNew Post: Configure for plain FTP
Hi, Is it possible to configure the SFTP client for plain FTP? My code needs to support both options, so instead of writing two different implementations, it would be very interesting to "turn a switch...
View ArticleNew Post: SSH Tunnel / Port Forwarding
where you able to get it to connect, because i'm having the same problem using C#, trying to connect to mysql database after connecting to the server but no success by the way i have the same...
View ArticleNew Post: Code to download SFTP files.
Look in the unit tests and documentation. Here are some links:
View ArticleNew Post: Port-Forwardings crashes when unable to ship data
Hi, I discovered a huge problem in the current implementation of the SSH.Net PortForwarding. To show the problem I created following test-program:using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using...
View ArticleNew Post: Port-Forwardings crashes when unable to ship data
I followed the stacktrace to Renci.SshNet.Channels.ChannelDirectTcpip.InternalSocketSend And change it from: partial void InternalSocketSend(byte[] data) { this._socket.Send(data, 0, data.Length,...
View ArticleNew Post: Calling SSH from Sharepoint
I've wrapped SSH.Net in a web service so that I can call it from SharePoint. I'm using SSH.Net to make calls from a windows server to a Unix server. On my local laptop the web service is working fine...
View ArticleNew Post: (Renci.SshNet.Common.SftpPathNotFoundException: No such file...
using (var sshClient = new SshClient(this.sftpClient.ConnectionInfo)) { sshClient.Connect(); var cmd = sshClient.CreateCommand("df -k | grep c:\folder\"); var response = cmd.Execute(); } This code I...
View ArticleNew Post: Problem with ShellStream.Expect(Regex regex, TimeSpan timeout)
Please tell me if you need any more info about that problem Cheers
View ArticleNew Post: (Renci.SshNet.Common.SftpPathNotFoundException: No such file...
Why do you expect this unix/linux-command to work on a windows machine?
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