New Post: LOVE this project! I have a bizarre issue I'd like your opinion on...
Could this be the problem? below is from: And if it is, is there a simple way to just select which is used via a switch/option? I'm sure there are cases for...
View ArticleNew Post: setting ClientVersion
Hi, great project, love it! Can we please make the ClientVersion in the ConnectionInfo publicly settable, or perhaps overrideable from config?
View ArticleNew Post: SSH Client like Putty
How to create a SSH Client like Putty to connect to my VPS ? I want to do that to create a Putty-like with more features. Someone can help me ?
View ArticleNew Post: Problem: sftpclient-connect: An existing connection was forcibly...
I have the following problem: When I connect to an SFTP-Server wirh User-Password-Login, I get the following exception: .... bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32...
View ArticleNew Post: CreateShell
I've been trying to get this to work with PowerShell, but haven't had any luck yet. I asked for help by posted to:
View ArticleNew Post: How to maintain a 'conversation' with an SSH session?
I know this sounds weird. In the examples I can find, a send command & get results type of session is just that: Connect, create SshShell, WriteLine, ReadLine, done. But this isn't what a real...
View ArticleNew Post: How to maintain a 'conversation' with an SSH session?
I believe I am looking for the same solution you are. I am trying to figure out how to maintain a SSH interactive session so that I can change to a different user. I initially posted at...
View ArticleNew Post: How to maintain a 'conversation' with an SSH session?
I was just able to solve my issue, and I posted the solution on StackOverflow.
View ArticleNew Post: How to maintain a 'conversation' with an SSH session?
@egagne, I see now that PowerShell is very similar. I, too, took notes from the same emails, and came up with a more .NET-ish solution. So it wouldn't be taken offline, I posted the whole thing (sample...
View ArticleNew Post: CreateShell
Oleg, I used your example to also create a solution: Function SendCommand(cmd As String, s As ShellStream) As String Try reader = New StreamReader(s) writer = New StreamWriter(s) writer.AutoFlush =...
View ArticleNew Post: Renci.SshNet Encryption using Arcfour
I am trying to use the SSH.Net library to connect to a set of computers that have only have the Arcfour (128-bit) encryption enabled on them. The computers are running the OpenSSH software, I am using...
View ArticleNew Post: Why i am not getting complete output while executing time consuming...
hi I am trying to execute some 20 commands of which some takes 5 seconds and some of them might take 5 min. So please let me know what is best approach to get the complete output private void...
View ArticleNew Post: Invoke-SshCommand fails to return to PowerShell
Hello, I have loaded up the SSH-Sessions module in PowerShell (Windows 2012), and I am able to establish a SSH Session between my Windows Server & ASA Firewall. When typing: Get-SshSession I can...
View ArticleNew Post: Access MS SQL server over SSH.NET
Hi Torakas, can you explain me how to connect to sql server using the library. and tell me about port forwarding. I need to execute some queries in a server outside our net, i have ssh access and I can...
View ArticleNew Post: Run scp command from remote server via SSHClient
Hi da_rinkes, I have a similar situation in which I use private keys. Any attempt to scp a file from Server1 to Server2 is met with permission denied (publickey). Is there a way I may provide...
View ArticleNew Post: Renci.SshNet.SftpClient - Serialization Exception
Hi, I'm using Renci.SshNet in my library project, but when my class is executed the following exception occurs (pasted below): Does anyone know how to "mark the Renci.SshNet.SftpClient as...
View ArticleNew Post: Read Line
Is there a way to read only the first line (or first few lines) from a remote file, instead of downloading the entire file to Memory Stream (sftp.DownloadFile)? ReadLines method doesn't seem to help here.
View ArticleNew Post: SftpClient.Exists always return true
Even if a file does not exist SftpClient.Exists will return true. I have double checked that the file does not exist and I have even tried SftpClient.DeleteFile afterwards, which throws a...
View ArticleNew Post: SftpClient.Exists always return true
I have done some debugging and SftpSession.RequestRealPath doesn't return null as SftpClient.Exists expects, but a array of KeyValuePair<string, SftpFileAttributes> with 1 item where...
View ArticleNew Post: Bug in SftpClient dispose
I have also observed this issue using version 2013.4.7 When is a new release planned? I was not able to compile from source directly from the svn repo using MSVS express 2012.
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