New Post: download source for 3.5 that will build
The .NET 3.5 assembly of the last beta release is strong named. For the next (beta) release, I'll make sure to include all the sources (and not only those for .NET 4.0).
View ArticleNew Post: download source for 3.5 that will build
Hi drieseng, Thank you for replying. Where can I download the 3.5 dll that is strong named? Is it the binary from April 6th?
View ArticleNew Post: download source for 3.5 that will build
View ArticleNew Post: Trouble Uploading File
Hello everyone. I am new to this library so I apologize if this is a really silly question, but I am running into a bit of trouble with uploading a file to a device. Does anyone see anything wrong with...
View ArticleNew Post: Help with Compression.
Ok so iv been searching and trying to figure out how to tunnel using zlib. So far iv downloaded and added Ionic.Zlib to my project and seen a few different pieces of code like = new...
View ArticleNew Post: Dose SshClient use TCP_NODELAY 1?
tunneling through an SshClient, will this use noDelay 1?
View ArticleNew Post: Powershell running multiple commands
Because Invoke-SshCommand is not executing in a shell but using SSH Exec to execute the command so the "cd" does nothing to change a current working directory because you are not in a shell. You would...
View ArticleNew Post: Trouble Uploading File
You should specify both a directory/folder and file name in UploadFile. Cheers, Gert
View ArticleNew Post: 3.5 Source Code for release 2013.1.8?
nbaker76 wrote:sharky2k10 wrote: I figured this out. If you open the solution (Renci.SshNet.sln) you'll see a project named Renci.SshNet.NET35. Build that and it will produce a DLL...
View ArticleNew Post: How to get X.509 SHA1 fingerprint?
Is there a way to get an X.509 certificate's SHA-1 fingerprint using SSH.NET? I can get a fingerprint during the BaseClient.HostKeyReceived event but the fingerprint doesn't match the one I'm supposed...
View ArticleNew Post: Slow upload speeds
Users of my software (ShareX) keep creating issues telling upload speeds slow with SFTP. Example issue...
View ArticleNew Post: Slow upload speeds
This will be fixed in the next release. Can you try using the latest beta ?
View ArticleNew Post: Slow upload speeds
I can't test myself but two people tested 2014.4.6-beta1 version and upload speed is fixed in this version. But we will wait for it to release with NuGet.
View ArticleNew Post: Best way to get full results of SshCommand? (and other questions)
Hello, What is the best way to get full results of an SshCommand synchronously? i.e. I just want to block until it's done. Is it just:var cmd = client.CreateCommand("mycmd"); cmd.Execute(); String...
View ArticleNew Post: Next release timeline?
2014.4.6-beta1 looks to have some good fixes. When is the final release expected? Thanks! David
View ArticleNew Post: not all files are listed
Hi, there; I am using SftpClient to connect the SFTP server which is successful. The problem I found is that it says the number of files in the server is 7000s when calling ListDirectory(). But ifI use...
View ArticleNew Post: SftpClient _socket.Disconnect vs. _socket.DisconnectAsync - VanDyke...
I am developing an app using sshnet and have run into a problem when I try a different sftp server. I developed the app using VanDyke Sftp server and everything works great. However, when I switched to...
View ArticleNew Post: create dll
Hi, I'm new her and new with programming. Can someone please reference me to a guide explains how to add to create and add the "dll" reference of renci ssh? Thanks,
View ArticleNew Post: create dll
Or just provide me the dll for 2014.4.6-beta1 version if it's possible. Thanks!
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