New Post: uploading with progress bar
hi friends how to use progress bar when uploading file ? this is my code for uploading file to server please help , thanksprivate void btnBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog...
View ArticleNew Post: SSH.NET
I'm using sshnet for the first time and have a question. I use the following code to connect using (var client = new SshClient("<site>", port, "<uid>", "<pw>")) { client.Connect();...
View ArticleNew Post: SSH.NET
I'm using sshnet for the first time and have a question. I use the following code to connect using (var client = new SshClient("<site>", port, "<uid>", "<pw>")) { client.Connect();...
View ArticleNew Post: SSH.NET
I'm not able to reproduce this issue. Please post the complete stacktrace. What SSH server are you using, and which version of SSH.NET ?
View ArticleNew Post: SSH.NET
Thank you for responding. Here is the stack trace Renci.SshNet.dll!Renci.SshNet.Session.WaitOnHandle(System.Threading.WaitHandle waitHandle) Line 717...
View ArticleNew Post: How to detect a keyboard interactive command request.
Hi, i have the same problem! have you found a solution? regards Thomas
View ArticleNew Post: uploading with progress bar
Thanks for contacting me. I hope you realise I am not an author of this library, though. Your question is a bit off topic, progress bar is a UI control, nothing to do with Sftp. Anyway, here's how you...
View ArticleNew Post: uploading with progress bar
thanks sly_tm but ... Error 1 Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'bool' because it is not a delegate type C:\Users\abedi98\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\sftp\Security SFTP...
View ArticleNew Post: Proxy issue with Sftp class (client) with Renci.SshNet library
hi friend how to connect to sftp server with (http proxy) AND (private key) ???? thanks :X
View ArticleNew Post: uploading encrypt data
hi friend i using this code for connecting to sftp server : var connectionInfo = new PasswordConnectionInfo(txtHost.Text, 22, txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text, ProxyTypes.Http, "",...
View ArticleNew Post: SCP upload speed
Comparing WinSCP Upload speed and SSH.Net upload speed (over a WiFi connection, but same external conditions and repeated a few times): WinSCP 1.3MB/s 0.4MB/s (I saw a similar speed with...
View ArticleNew Post: SftpClient FileUpload asynchronous version
There is no direct asynchronous file upload method. They may have support in future. In the meantime you may use this extension method. It worked for me. :)public static class SftpClientExtension {...
View ArticleNew Post: sftp download file
hi i can't find sample code for downloading file uploading file is very easy but i cant download file from server Please attach a sample code thanks
View ArticleNew Post: sftp download file
this is my downloading file code public void download() { if (connection_flag == false) connect(); string downloadedFileName = "upload/"; using (var stream = new...
View ArticleNew Post: sftp download file
using (var client = new SftpClient("<address>", <port>, <uid>, "<pw>")) { client.Connect(); List<Renci.SshNet.Sftp.SftpFile> Files = client.ListDirectory("<ftp file...
View ArticleNew Post: Generating DSA and RSA keys
I have been trying to figure out if I can use this library to generate DSA and RSA keys. I have looked through the test inside Classes/Security but most of them are just stubs and it's unclear to me if...
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