New Post: 3.5 Source Code for release 2013.1.8?
Gerri/Oleg,Here is exaclty where mine times out:Line 538 of Session.cs calls this during .Connect(): // Wait for key exchange to be completed...
View ArticleNew Post: SFTP parallel downloads with one connection - Exception (not...
Hi,the exception shows up random and is hard to provocate.EnsureConnection seems to be the problem.Exception:Renci.SshNet.Common.SshConnectionException: Client not connected. bei...
View ArticleNew Post: Hang connecting to MYSQL
Hi,I get the following PortForwardEventArgs each time I hit conn.Open(); & da.Fill(dt); conn.Open(); // First time round127.0.0.1:53110 da.Fill(dt); //...
View ArticleNew Post: Hang connecting to MYSQL
Hi,, Well, it will not tell me much, except that there is no exception occurs.I guess what I wanted you to see is how much time occurs between calls to conn.Open and when you see that request was...
View ArticleNew Post: 3.5 Source Code for release 2013.1.8?
Hi, I guess differences could be what default option or compile being used by 2008 vs 2010.As FYI, I used 2012 to build all my code. Thanks,Oleg
View ArticleNew Post: SFTP parallel downloads with one connection - Exception (not...
Hi, I was actually trying to fix that problem recently so I could cover most cases and I guess I am still missing something. Can you put a breakpoint in partial void IsSocketConnected(ref bool...
View ArticleNew Post: SFTP parallel downloads with one connection - Exception (not...
I took the time to investigate the problem a bit further.The problem is here: partialvoid IsSocketConnected(refbool isConnected) { // isConnected = (!this._isDisconnecting && this._socket !=...
View ArticleNew Post: SFTP parallel downloads with one connection - Exception (not...
ok tested a bit more. If everything is fine then:this._socket.Poll(1, SelectMode.SelectRead) -> = true this._socket.Available == 0 -> = false But when the exception is thrown (because of massive...
View ArticleNew Post: Using proxy
Hi, first of all thank you very much for this great project. I tested the dynamic port forwarding feature and almost everything works great.Tunneling through a proxy however causes some problems on my...
View ArticleNew Post: SFTP parallel downloads with one connection - Exception (not...
Hi, Thanks for testing.First, wanted to explain a little, IsConnect property is not always correct, since it will not handle situation where connection was dropped by the server in this case IsConnect...
View ArticleNew Post: SFTP parallel downloads with one connection - Exception (not...
Thanks for the fast reply.This was the first thing i thought off and so i tried the same as you described but that doesn't help.There must be another reason for this failure to occur (it's not server...
View ArticleNew Post: SFTP parallel downloads with one connection - Exception (not...
hmm,It becomes more difficult now (I will try to investigate a little more then it but wont have time for it in near future so if you happened to find a solution please let me know.I guess another idea...
View ArticleNew Post: Portforward to Mysql? Examples ?
Hello, Great ssh library! I've been able to use it to tunnel and port forward to my web browser port on my server. However, I'm having issue with portforwarding to mysql. Would the portforward source...
View ArticleNew Post: Transfering files with Write permission
Hi Team,I am able to successfully transfer the files into the server using the following method.sftp.UploadFile(fs, remoteFilePathwithName);But the issue I am facing is the files transferred are with...
View ArticleNew Post: Renci.SshNet.Common.SshException: Failure on UploadFile
Hi,Sorry for delay answer, hower I recently updated to latest version of library, and still have this issue.Yes this happen fro every file I'm sending. The funny thing is WinSCP has the same issue. The...
View ArticleNew Post: Hang connecting to MYSQL
Hi Oleg,Just added a timer to check the time between each and its near enough always 15 seconds for each excluding the first pass. Thanks,John
View ArticleNew Post: Portforward to Mysql? Examples ?
Hi, Sorry, I personally dont have any since I dont use MySQL but you welcome to search this forum since I know few people mentioned doing it.In fact I am trying to figure out hang problem related to...
View ArticleNew Post: Transfering files with Write permission
Hi,I can take a look at it later. Can you please log it as feature request in Issue Tracker page? For now you can use SftpFile and Attributes property to change read access and other options. Hope it...
View ArticleNew Post: Hang connecting to MYSQL
John,I used your code and implemented mysql ports but I am getting this error "A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established...
View ArticleNew Post: Portforward to Mysql? Examples ?
Oleg, Thanks for the examples. I believe my issues lies within portforward & host ports and mysql sever host. Hopefully I'll get some help is this post :...
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