New Post: Downloadind file over SFTP is slow
I am using the following code to download file with secure FTP and the performance is 4-5 times slower than WinSCP. var client_ = new SftpClient( settings_.ServerAddress, settings_.Username,...
View ArticleNew Post: Creating an official fork on github?
I like this idea as well. da_rinkes, thoughts?
View ArticleNew Post: Send and store results from multiple commands in the same connection
Thanks for the reply. From the linked example this simply writes text to the stream and then i can read it back. I think i am mis-understanding the purpose of the ShellStream or just missing how to use...
View ArticleNew Post: Maintain conversation
Thanks for the reply this link snowed me i'm a afraid, i am a native c# user, do you have any simplified examples?
View ArticleNew Post: ShellStream help
I am looking for a VERY simple working example of a shellstream __in c# __that will allow the user to send multiple cascading terminal commands e.g. ("cd /somewhere") and then ("pwd") when i read the...
View ArticleNew Post: Visual C++ authentication error.
Greetings to You! I have a problem with remote command execution through Renci::SshNet namespace. Here is the code:PasswordAuthenticationMethod^ pam = gcnew PasswordAuthenticationMethod("username",...
View ArticleNew Post: ShellStream help
Ok i found a post on the forums that got me started, and i was able to finally put the rest together. The trick was using StreamReader and StreamWriter objects to read and write to my stream variable...
View ArticleNew Post: Send and store results from multiple commands in the same connection
I worked my way through this and implemented a solution that will work for my situation. Thanks for the reply!
View ArticleNew Post: SSH Tunnel closes
Hello! I am trying to make a SSH Tunnel application. I successfully open a tunnel with dynamic port and it works until the first connection by browser is made. After one page is loaded, the tunnel is...
View ArticleNew Post: sftpClient.UploadFile(fileStream, fileInfo.get_Name(), null); FAILED
Hi, I have successfully made the connection to SFTP server using SFtpClient class. I am trying to upload a file using SFtpClient.upload() using below syntax, sftpClient.UploadFile(fileStream,...
View ArticleNew Post: sftpclient.DownloadFile(_localFileName, fs, null); ERROR:...
Hi, I have made the connection to SFTP server using SftpClient class successfully. I am trying to execute below syntax, sftpclient.DownloadFile(_localFileName, fs, null); where fs is my File string...
View ArticleNew Post: Change to superuser
I'm trying to execute command, which requires superuser permissions on server. I've tried using both, sshcommand and ShellStream, but neither works. The commands I am trying to run are: sudo -s...
View ArticleNew Post: Keep always connect session
I want session always run 24/24 Close program to exit session
View ArticleNew Post: Multipart / Segmented SFTP Downloads
you can download if you will add winscp this is the easy why for me if you want i can send exemple
View ArticleNew Post: client.RunCommand() is not working
SshClient ssh = new SshClient(ip, 22, userName, password); ssh.Connect(); SshCommand sshc = ssh.RunCommand("top"); // replace with your command
View ArticleNew Post: visual sftp downloading file with progress bar
is this still relevant?
View ArticleNew Post: Trouble using .RunCommand() with
why to trigger command revert this command to and call the script
View ArticleNew Post: Multipart / Segmented SFTP Downloads
shaylam wrote: you can download if you will add winscp this is the easy why for me if you want i can send exemple Yes, please. Thanks.
View ArticleNew Post: sftp examples
Hi All, Do you know where i can find some examples? I would like to understand how to open a connection and download a file, but would be nice to have a start point where you can see some lines that...
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