I'm using the simple code below to upload a small file. Every time the file has uploaded and I disconnect I then get a SocketException error (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine).
The hlighlighted code in Session.NET.cs is:
var receivedBytes = this._socket.Receive(buffer, offset + receivedTotal, length - receivedTotal, SocketFlags.None);
I'm using the simple code below to upload a small file. Every time the file has uploaded and I disconnect I then get a SocketException error (An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine).
The hlighlighted code in Session.NET.cs is:
var receivedBytes = this._socket.Receive(buffer, offset + receivedTotal, length - receivedTotal, SocketFlags.None);
Using sftp As Renci.SshNet.SftpClient = New SftpClient("xxxxxx.com", "22", "username", "password"
Dim fs As Stream = File.OpenRead("C:\Temp\test.csv")
sftp.UploadFile(fs, "test.csv")
End Using