New Post: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host...
Hi, I'm using the simple code below to upload a small file. Every time the file has uploaded and I disconnect I then get a SocketException error (An established connection was aborted by the software...
View ArticleNew Post: SshNet: Connect to port 23 (telnet)
Hi Everyone, I am trying to make a simple program written in visual basic 2010. Its purpose is to be able to issue unix commands and display the result. The code below works when I connect to Port 22,...
View ArticleNew Post: SshNet: Connect to port 23 (telnet)
This is called SSH.NET not TELNET.NET. Should be obvious why it does not work :P
View ArticleNew Post: How can I enable authentication fowarding
Found the answer posted by da_rinkes in the topic RunCommand() doesn't work? . Port forwarding is the key. The pseudo code example provided by da_rinkes (reposted below) worked almost verbatim. using...
View ArticleNew Post: Problem with connecting to another port
Hi, Thank you for letting me know :p. Does it mean, I need another library for connections on port 23 because it handles different protocol? I am new to all of these stuff :p. I think I need to read...
View ArticleNew Post: Help with using Renci SSH tool
Hi All I'm totally new with SSH and Renci specific. I am looking for basic help and support in order to execute commands on Unix terminal. I can execute simple ones like : "ls -ltr" or "pwd" , but when...
View ArticleNew Post: Help with Renci SSH tool
Hi All I'm totally new with SSH and Renci specific. I am looking for basic help and support in order to execute commands on Unix terminal. I can execute simple ones like : "ls -ltr" or "pwd" , but when...
View ArticleNew Post: Help with using Renci SSH tool
What does "it just wont do" mean? Exceptions? Hangs? Error-Messages? The code you pasted won't work since chdir is not a Unix/Linux command.
View ArticleNew Post: Help with using Renci SSH tool
Thanks for reply. The code I posted was in originally : cmd = sshClient.CreateCommand("cd /nfs/iil/proj") , I am trying any way to make it works. When i'm saying "it just wont do" i meant - while...
View ArticleNew Post: Help with using Renci SSH tool
Thats because each Command is executed in a new Shell. In your case I think the easiest way would be to combine your commands with "&&" or ";". e.g. cmd = sshClient.CreateCommand("cd...
View ArticleNew Post: Help with using Renci SSH tool
Thanks! It works (i'm sure you had no doubt .. :-)) Can you share a simple example of using CreateShell() ?
View ArticleNew Post: Unable to open CHM help file
I downloaded it in my Windows 7, opened it but I could not see any content. I right clicked on the file, selected "Properties" but there is no unlock button at all.
View ArticleNew Post: Unable to open CHM help file
After you double-click you should be asked if you really want to do open the file. There should be a checkbox if windows should ask everytime you open that file. Uncheck this checkbox and it should work.
View ArticleNew Post: Forwarded Port Dynamic issue
Hi, I'm new guy, I'm try to use Forwarded Port Dynamic as code below SshClient client = new SshClient("myhost", "myuser", "mypass"); client .Connect(); if(client.IsConnected) { ForwardedPortDynamic f =...
View ArticleNew Post: Forwarded Port Dynamic issue
AFAIK HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse does not support SOCKS-Proxies. Check if your browser can use the forwarding as SOCKS-Proxy. Old forum-discussion, but I think nothing changed since...
View ArticleNew Post: Forwarded Port Dynamic issue
I'm try this code, it work fine but only for one host Same with my first post, but I'm use ForwardedPortLocal instead ForwardedPortDynamic ... ForwardedPortLocal forward = new...
View ArticleNew Post: Forwarded Port Dynamic issue
OK. I see. You should get more familiar with SSH and Forwardings. This is a good start I think: What you want is DynamicForwarding, but...
View ArticleNew Post: Unable to Load the project DLL in Silverlight Projects
Hi I am trying to make a Silverlight 4/5 based FTP manager. I do not want any service/WCF based communication in my application. Is there a way to directly reference the SSH.NET DLL in Silverlight 4/5...
View ArticleNew Post: Help with using Renci SSH tool
How can I print on screen the printout of the command -- every time there is an output and not just a single print?
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