Hi, I am very new to SSH.Net. I need to download multiple files within single connection opened. Please let me know how to achieve this. I have tried this by implementing Parallel.ForEach statement, but the issue is, some files are downloaded with 0 kb. Please guide me on this.
Eg: If I want to download ABC.XLSX and XYZ.XLSX files from the server (simultaneously). I am getting the output as ABC.XLSX and XYZ.XLSX with same content / sometimes correct content / sometimes interchanged Content.
Below is my code.
Eg: If I want to download ABC.XLSX and XYZ.XLSX files from the server (simultaneously). I am getting the output as ABC.XLSX and XYZ.XLSX with same content / sometimes correct content / sometimes interchanged Content.
Below is my code.
private void ConcurrentDownload()
// Declaring Connection Information
PasswordAuthenticationMethod pm = new PasswordAuthenticationMethod("FTPUserName", "Password");
ConnectionInfo connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo("FTPHost", 22, "FTPUserName", ProxyTypes.Socks5, "", 8080, string.Empty, string.Empty, pm);
using (SftpClient sfc = new SftpClient(connectionInfo))
// Establish the remote connection
// Getting Remote Directory Contents
IEnumerable<SftpFile> sFiles = new List<SftpFile>();
sFiles = sfc.ListDirectory(".\\");
// Building the File List
List<string> remotefiles = new List<string>();
foreach (SftpFile sfile in sFiles)
if (!sfile.IsDirectory)
string ss = sfile.Name;
// Parallel Download
Parallel.ForEach(remotefiles.Distinct(), file => DownloadFile(sfc, file));
private void DownloadFile(SftpClient sf, string RemoteFileName)
using (Stream ms = File.OpenWrite(RemoteFileName))
sf.DownloadFile(RemoteFileName, ms);