I tested forwardedPortLocal function very successfully with My CentOS and fedora without any errors. But When I try it with AIX 6.1 , seems SSH connected well and forwardedport.Start() with no error, and then following actual service request to bound ip and port, get "refused by server socket error 10054". Both SSHD Linux and AIX used with default sshd_config.
Do I need to do more on AIX? Is there anything to do work with AIX SSH?
Is it related "Keep Alive" something?
Do I need to do more on AIX? Is there anything to do work with AIX SSH?
Is it related "Keep Alive" something?
var port1 = new ForwardedPortLocal( myPC, 7776, sshHost, 7776);
port1.RequestReceived += forwarding_RequestReceived;
port1.Exception += forwarding_Exception;
My_function_call ( myPC, 7776 );
I hope to get any clue on this