New Post: Library - Cancel Upload
Is there a way to Cancel an Upload while it is uploading...if the user decides not to wait is there a way to cancel the upload and delete the file on the remote server? Thanks, Mark
View ArticleNew Post: Disconnect error
Hi everybody!! I´m new in the use of this library and I have doubts about an error produced sometimes when I execute disconnect instruction. I have an 10038 error and the error stack trace is something...
View ArticleNew Post: Having trouble connecting...
I am trying to connect to a Cisco video endpoint using SS.NET. Here is my code... AuthenticationMethod authmeth = new PasswordAuthenticationMethod(username,password);...
View ArticleNew Post: Need help with KeyboardInteractiveConnectionInfo in PowerShell
I am trying to use KeyboardInteractiveConnectionInfo in my powershell script. Tried to google but did not find an example. I am trying to write something like below and no clue after that....
View ArticleNew Post: Having trouble connecting...
Can someone please give me some insight on this?
View ArticleNew Post: How can i get response staus and description when i use...
protected virtual void SendFTPFiles(Attachment[] emailAttachments, bool useSFTP, string ftpUrl, int port, string username, string password, string folder, string sftpEncryption) { using (SftpClient...
View ArticleNew Post: copying or moving a remote file using SSH.NET
I know that I can upload and download files from/to a sFTP server using 'SftpClient' class of SSH.NET library but I am not sure how can this class be used for copying or moving a remote file on the...
View ArticleNew Post: SFTP with PGP
Hello everyone and thanks for your help in advance. I am a user of SSH.Net and have successfully used it for sftp on many sites. My problem is that I need to connect to a site that requires a PGP key...
View ArticleNew Post: Use it with Xamarin.iOS
Hi, I'm trying to use the SSHNet library (Renci SSH) from codeplex on my Xamarin iOS app. The SSH auth and the tunneling is working fine on the simulator, but I can't make it work on the real devices....
View ArticleNew Post: Connecting twice
In Putty, I can connect to a device that requires two logins (the first one must be "console"). Here's what the shell looks like: login as: "console" IM login: "myusername" Password: "mypassword" And...
View ArticleNew Post: SSH.Net - Get response code back and ditch the user prompt.
I am successfully using the New-Session module that comes with the SSH.Net module set. Thanks!! My new requirement is to not supply a username and password when I initiate the session. Once I get the...
View ArticleNew Post: SSH.Net - Get response code back and ditch the user prompt.
This is in Powershell.
View ArticleNew Post: Use it with Xamarin.iOS
Hi everyone, Finally I couldnt make it works on Xamarin.iOS, and i have been to use another library (licensed) to solve my problem. Bye!
View ArticleNew Post: Cant upload using ScpClient.Upload (stream, file)
I get No such file or directory everytime. Use the FileInfo overload and works first time. I can download using a memorystream ok, upload? Natch! Even copied the code from the Tests project, nope....
View ArticleNew Post: Use it with Xamarin.iOS
Is anyone updating the source code or branching when they make fixes/changes like this???
View ArticleNew Post: Port to latest Framework...anyone tried this yet?
Just wondering if anyone has attempted to update this to Framework 4.5? How to u update the source? Is this project ported to GIT? I many questions...
View ArticleNew Post: Port to latest Framework...anyone tried this yet?
Personally, I haven't had much time to work on this project. I'd like to find time to continue working on it though. The .NET Framework 4.0 version should work just fine on 4.5. Did you run into any...
View ArticleNew Post: check for server timeout/offline in c#
If the server is off line the passwordAuthMethod times out. Is there a way to check the status of the connection? If it is offline I would skip my processing so the code doesn't error.using (var...
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