New Post: Port to latest Framework...anyone tried this yet?
Please move to GitHub! I have submitted 2 patches that, along with many submitted by others, have yet to be merged. If you continue to not have the time to maintain the project it will be much easier...
View ArticleNew Post: Reading directly from /dev/input/ using SSH
Hi, Is it possible to read stream files like /dev/input/mouse0 using SSH.NET? Following example doesn't work because after starting "cat /dev/input/mouse0" no output is being recieved at all. var shell...
View ArticleNew Post: Remote shutdown PC
I have a router installed pfSense, IP I wan to shutdown it from a windown pc. I code by C#. Here my code: private void btnShutdown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var sshcln = new...
View ArticleNew Post: Enabling SShNet.Logging
I have seen several example of people post logging from SshNet.Logging and was wondering how to turn this on. We need to roubleshoot a problem with one of our command line utilities built with sshnet.
View ArticleNew Post: Port to latest Framework...anyone tried this yet?
Hello Corillian,We have recently migrated the project to GitHub: have yet to announce this publicly, and for now it’s just an exact copy of the codeplex...
View ArticleNew Post: Stable release of 2014.4.6-beta2
beta2 runs fine, when will it get out of beta?
View ArticleNew Post: Stable release of 2014.4.6-beta2
I’m working on the migration to github.I’ll try to get it out as soon as possible.Van: [email removed]Verzonden:‎vrijdag‎ ‎29‎ ‎januari‎ ‎2016 ‎14‎:‎00Aan: [email removed]From: vip32beta2 runs fine,...
View ArticleNew Post: Can I use SSH.NET as an SSH server instead of a client?
So I want to be able to connect to a WinPE box using ssh. I cannot install cygwin, so I'm trying to code something up on my own. Can SSH.NET be used as a server as well as a client? Thanks!
View ArticleNew Post: Download sftp file hangs
Hi. When I try to download file with sftp file client, some files hangs and the download never finish. Autoevent not fired. My code is the same code in documentation examples. It only occurs when...
View ArticleNew Post: Executing SSH command detached
Hi, I tried to executed the following command via SshClient.CreateCommand :var sshCmd = sshClient.CreateCommand("sleep 2 && echo 'complete' &"); sshCmd.Execute(); This command actually has...
View ArticleNew Post: Download sftp file hangs
Solved. I answer myself. Microtik SSH have a bug in version 6.34 (last version today). Downgrading firmware to version 6.33 fix the problem.
View ArticleNew Post: Key exchange problems with VShell (no appropriate prime between...
Any information on the small changes? I have the same issue.. All i found was the "MinimumGroupSize" in "KeyExchangeDiffieHellmanGroupExchangeShaBase"
View ArticleNew Post: Hangs (and infinite CPU) when downloading large files
Hi, First, thanks for this library. It is great! I've been downloading directories. Some of them contain "large" files (4.5 GB, for example). I often see the progress hang, no network activity, and...
View ArticleNew Post: SSH .NET over signalR
Is it possible to use SSH .NET over signalR. signalR by default should bind to port 80 or 443 was wondering if I could use this connection to initiate a SSH session from one client to another? If so...
View ArticleNew Post: Upload file to SharePoint using sftp
I am trying to upload files SharePoint using SFTP protocol but didn't see any function in SFTP library which will allow me to do that may be I am missing something can someone help me to find that....
View ArticleNew Post: Question about fingerprints
Is it possible for me to create an SFTP connection with the C# library in which I can pass the host key fingerprint as an argument just like you do with the username, password and host?
View ArticleNew Post: Error: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error...
Hello. First, sorry beause my Eng not good. I try using library connect and login to my websiteusing (var client = new SshClient(hostOrIP, userName, password)) { client.Connect(); var port1 =...
View ArticleNew Post: SftpPathNotFound - Creating directory then uploading file
I have the following issue where I create directory to the client I want to upload files (windows host/linux guest) then proceed to upload the file and it returns a SftPathNotFoundException. Only if I...
View ArticleNew Post: Cannot ReadAllText or ReadAllByte. can download
I call ReadAllText, ReadAllLines or ReadAllBytes alway fail. I only can download file and save to local is ok.. The error occur at internal SftpFileStream (ISftpSession session, string path, FileMode...
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